Amy is responsible for leading strategic agency initiatives that bring resources to the agency and help JVS become more coordinated, and client centered. She leads JVS’s innovative $15 million Pay for Success project, Pathways to Economic Advancement, the first focused exclusively on workforce development. Amy also works on JVS’s Public Policy initiatives, as well as agency-wide data quality and continuous improvement. She develops service delivery models that respond to the changing economy, allowing JVS students to move into and up career ladders. She advances the agency’s Public Policy platform through local and state-level workforce policy solutions and works to improve JVS’s overall data collection and analysis to best measure our impact. Amy has worked in social services for over 20 years. Before coming to JVS, she worked at a reproductive health center leading two state-wide initiatives. She has also done public health advocacy as well as worked in various direct service positions assisting people living with HIV, pregnant and parenting adolescents, substance users, and poor and homeless women. Amy holds a B.A. in Sociology and Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan and Master’s degrees in both Public Health and Social Work from Boston University.