Mounira is a business mentor supporting leaders and corporations to learn
the skills for inner and collective transformation needed to create The New
Paradigm that serves humanity as a whole. Her expertise lies in the journey
from self-leadership to leading others. She brings 20+ years of leadership
experience at international brands like Google, Red Bull, and BMW.
Mounira was one of the pioneers of Google’s mindful leadership community
and its success led her to train teams around the world. As the co-founder of
Connected Business and internationally certified Search Inside Yourself
trainer, her mission is to empower Leaders of the New Paradigm who find
new ways of co-collaboration to create a world that serves the next 7
generations to come. In the past years, she worked with and mentored more
than 30.000 (business) pioneers and trained hundreds of teachers globally.
Her book Connected Business: How I learned to lead myself and others was
published by Ariston/Randomhouse Publishing in April 2020.